In June 2022, teams implementing the e-SL4EU project organized and conducted meetings with the participation of national focus groups. Their participants were academics, students, librarians, social and environmental activists. During hybrid meetings, the principles of SL design and quality elements, which were developed under the e-SL4EU project, were discussed. The meaning was considered:
- a combination of different pedagogical and didactic theories in order to effectively combine them in this widely recognized and innovative pedagogy,
- student involvement,
- constructive adjustment of students’ activity to the assumed learning outcomes,
- integration of project participants in multidisciplinary teams.
As part of the discussion, attention was drawn to the need to implement e-SL projects with flexible assumptions in order to enable students to choose the way of working and grouping according to their personal preferences and to use such available digital resources that will allow the design of service activities around specific social challenges.
The main conclusion of the debate is that in e-SL, striving for a robust and mutual partnership between universities and the community is a process worth undertaking, although the activities carried out do not always result in complete interaction with the beneficiaries.