Time range: August 2022 – August 2023
This stage is to prepare training materials and supporting training tools for academics to adopt e-SL to build inclusive higher education systems. It aims to develop the blended training materials that the project partners will deliver to other HE teachers/trainers to present them with how to embed e-SL in their courses. Leading Organization: Sveuciliste u Zagrebu (FFZG, Croatia).
- VIII – IX 2022: All academic partners revised the general objectives of the course and defined their learning objectives of e-learning content for the chosen module. FFZG is coordinating work in the Moodle platform, on which the national versions of the course will be installed.
- X 2022 – II 2023: All academic partners are implementing their units in English and preparing examples of their course as Word documents, PowerPoint, and videos and send them to FFZG (in national languages & English), and placing them in the transcripts folder.
- III 2023: Transnational Training Activity in Rome.
- IV – VI 2023: Collective revision of training materials, e-learning sessions and evaluation.
- VII – VIII 2023: Piloting the training courses in the 5 partner Countries. Elaboration of Training Manual on training contents and Handbook for replicating the courses. Elaboration of e-learning course for trainers on the contents of the training manual and handbook