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e-SL4EU » News » Society and Technology 2024: Creative Industries and Artificial Intelligence, 19.04.2024

Society and Technology 2024: Creative Industries and Artificial Intelligence, 19.04.2024

The eSL4EU project was presented at the SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY 2024: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in Zagreb, Croatia, ZICER – Zagreb Innovation Centre, on 19 April 2024 with the presentation Co-designing Inclusive Learning Environments with Artificial Intelligence given by Nives Mikelic Preradovic from the University of Zagreb.

More than 20 conference participants from universities different than University of Zagreb attended the presentation and learner about the eSL4EU project.

Also, after the conference the paper will be published in the scientific journal Media Research.

The event’s main theme was Creative Industries and Artificial Intelligence. Creative industries are a source of income, but they are also important for fostering cultural diversity and education. They are closely related to the knowledge economy, new technologies and the promotion of the concept of sustainable development. Recently, among the new technologies, a strong development in the field of artificial intelligence research stands out. Artificial intelligence can quickly abstract large amounts of data and even generate new ideas, but it still has no ability to imitate real human creativity and produce truly original ideas. It is undeniable that in the coming years, artificial intelligence will affect work patterns in almost all areas. Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence also brings great changes in the sectors of the creative industry. Today we can already think about architects, designers, musicians, painters of the future who will emphasize their creativity to a lesser extent through long-term physical work, and to a greater extent through the skill and idea of connecting large quantities of data and products that will be abstracted by artificial intelligence programs. Accordingly, the goal of the conference was to analyze, discuss and present the current development of the creative industry sector, primarily in the context of the development of artificial intelligence with all the accompanying positive and negative opportunities that it brings.

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