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Presentation of the e-SL4EU Project at the 3rd Scuola Democratica Conference

The e-SL4EU project was presented at the 3rd Scuola Democratica Conference at the University of Cagliari, Italy, on the 4th of June 2024 in the session “Inclusive Societies and Equity in Education: Experiences and Opportunities through Service Learning for Cultural Change” with the presentation Inclusive Learning Environments and e-Service-Learning created by University of Zagreb (Croatia).

The objective of this presentation was to address the need for increased capacity of higher education teachers and students to manage an effective shift towards inclusive learning environments through the creation of e-service-learning (e-SL) experiences that integrate community services into the academic curriculum.

We presented the e-course for academic teachers that was developed as part of the eSL4EU project in all partner languages. We also presented the e-SL student experiences with micro: bit and micro: Maqueen used by university students to empower school children digitally.

The event’s main theme was education and/for social justice, to rethink and implement new ideas of justice and educational policy on local, national, and supranational scales. Theoretical reflections and empirical analyses (qualitative and quantitative, large-scale, or focused on specific contexts) that aimed at identifying the plurality of factors that contribute to producing inclusion/exclusion, equality/inequality, and recognition/non-recognition of diversity—in other words, social justice and injustice, were presented during the conference