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Peer-to-peer tutoring in Service-Learning: structural, affective and learning factors

We are pleased to present the newest work of Irene Culcasi, Cinque Maria and Camilla Pettini dedicated to the encounter between the #ServiceLearning model, which uses the activation of the university-community relationship to generate social impact, and the #tutoraggio model. Authors presented #caso #concreto – Project #FENIX – dedicated to young adults in conflict with the law. Students worked as peer mentors in the ELIS -Università LUMSA multidisciplinary team. The impact of the model was presented in terms of #fattori #strutturali, #emotivi and #apprendimento! A remarkable partnership. Thanks to Irena Maria Sette Maria D’Ambra Claudio Mariani Agnese Vassallo Paola Mazzarone. See: