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2nd SEA-EU Conference on Higher Education in the Service of Society

The eSL4EU project was presented at the 2nd SEA-EU Conference on Higher Education in the Service of Society at the University of Cadiz, Spain, on the 24th and 25th of April 2024 with the poster Instructional Design for e-Service-Learning created by University of Zagreb (Croatia) and LUMSA (Italy). 

The objective of this poster was to empower higher education teachers and trainers to create digital service-learning materials integrating community services into the students’ curriculum. Also, the aim was to spread the knowledge of teachers and trainers on e- Service-Learning (e-SL) methodologies so they can adopt e-SL in their teaching practices, guiding their students in implementing e-Service-Learning while addressing social needs of people with fewer opportunities, especially in cases of emergencies and disruptive events.

The poster presented the e-course for academic teachers that was developed as part of the eSL4EU project.