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The new article from our team members: “Service-Learning in the Context of Karol Wojtyła’s Theory of Participation”

Objectives of the research: The aim of this article is to explore how Karol Wojtyła’s theory of participation can enhance our understanding of ‘Service Learning’ (SL) and its potential benefits for education and personal development resulting from the implementation of SL in higher education.

Research methods: The research was based on an analysis of publications on Service-Learning, a hermeneutic examination  of Karol Wojtyła’s writings on participation, and a case study using SL.

A short description of the context of the issue: Service-Learning is defined as reflection and action to transform reality, as serving in solidarity with the application of learning content and as learning by serving the community. This article presents the principles of Service-Learning through community participation, exposing the benefits of this approach in education.

Research findings: Karol Wojtyła’s theory of participation serves as a creative inspiration for the theoretical basis of Service-Learning. Its principles can introduce SL project participants to personalistic values. The concepts of service, community, common good, solidarity, dialogue and opposition play a key role in this confrontation. By combining service with the learning process, SL can contribute to the development of project participants in terms of both knowledge and social skills.

Conclusions and recommendations: In drawing conclusions regarding the potential benefits of implementing the Service-Learning method in education, the authors emphasise that values, in accordance with Wojtyła’s philosophy, are a key element of personal and social development. In the context of SL, people can find fulfilment through relationships with others, which is the answer to contemporary educational challenges. The authors recommend further research into different forms of SL implementation in order to better understand and maximise its potential in fostering  participation and social service.

Ecler-Nocoń, B., Kozubek, M. T., & Cinque, M. (2024). Service-Learning in the Context of Karol Wojtyła’s Theory of Participation. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education13/1 (25).