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Presentation of the e-SL4EU Project at the University of Balearic Islands in Palma, Spain

The e-SL4EU project was presented at the 12th National & 6th International Congress on Service-Learning in Higher Education “Sustainability, quality, and recognition of Service-Learning in Higher Education” at the University of Balearic Islands, Palma, Spain, on the 26th of September 2024 in the session “Sustainability” with the presentation of the paper E-SERVICE-LEARNING FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING created by University of Zagreb (Croatia). The primary aim of this paper was to identify the need for e-service-learning (e-SL) projects in foreign language teaching in primary school. The research question that was investigated is how to shape foreign language education in primary schools that is both responsive to pupils’ needs and to the diversity of teachers’ needs, and their professional and personal context. The results show that school teachers consider online tools to be useful in language teaching, but are generally unfamiliar with modern educational technologies and need to be introduced with their potential for teaching German as a foreign language through e-SL projects.