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IX International Congress of Scholas Chairs – call for abstracts!

The call for abstracts is open for the IX International Congress of Scholas Chairs to be held from 18 to 20 September 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. Scholas Chairs is an action-research network involving 157 universities from 35 countries on 5 continents with the aim of renovating and relaunching university institutions towards a model committed to the anthropological, social and environmental crisis, considering education as the main agent of social change. 

Contributions on Service-Learning in the 4 thematic lines of the congress (in presence or online) are welcome: 
1. The current challenges of technology for higher education  
2. University and students’ emotional health
3. Teaching and research in the service of caring for the common home
4. The University and International Cooperation against Conflict

The deadline for sending abstracts is 25 August by writing to and indicating in the subject line of the email “Abstract for Congress 2024”. 
Guidelines and more info here: